World-Class Launches


You’ve been working hard on your new online course, and now you’re ready to launch. But what can you do to make sure the pressure of launch week doesn’t take its toll on your health? The answer is self-care!

Our self-care advice for busy launch weeks


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Trust us when we say… live is EASIER than pre-recorded content. It’s easier, more joyful and shows the most authentic you. Read this blog to dive into the endless benefits of going live in your launch.

Going live during your launch, and why you should try it

Launch Strategy

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Struggling to get comfortable online? Not using your voice? Here’s some tips on finding your own voice online, to kickstart some bravery into the building of your business.

Finding Your Voice Online: How To Start From Zero


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Social media is bigger than ever… and the best time to start using it if you haven’t already is NOW. Follow along for our 4 tips to finding the right social media for you…

4 Tips for Finding the Right Social Media


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In this post, watch a video from Love To Launch® founder Laura Phillips, as she shares one of the biggest changes that she made in her launches that not only sky-rocketed her conversions, but that also took her confidence and enjoyment through the roof.

The one simple strategy shift that sky-rocketed my conversions

Launch Strategy

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You’ve just opened doors for offer… and crickets. But it’s not too late to turn things around! This blog covers how to recover from the dreaded “Day Two Doom”.

What to do when people stop buying during your launch

Launch Strategy

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Launches don’t have to be stressful, there is no need for burnout. Follow these simple steps to have joyful and easy launches…

How to avoid getting overwhelmed when planning your launch

Launch Strategy

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Let’s face it… no one wants to go to a boring party, so why would anyone want to show up to a boring launch? Here’s how to create unmissable launch events

How to create unmissable launch events

Launch Strategy

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Wondering if ThriveCart lives up to the hype? Read my review from the perspective of a launch strategist and founder of Love To Launch®.

ThriveCart review – Is it really worth it?

Tech & Tools

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With 2 free live workshops over 2 days, you’re going to discover what it takes to have your best launch ever - learning from Laura Phillips, founder of Love To Launch, and launch strategist to the biggest names in marketing.

Join the most value-packed free live launch event of the year.

It's totally free!