"I used to hate launches before I met Laura. Not only did we have our best launch ever, not only did we feel so pumped and excited delivering the launch, but we were unbelievably amazed at the results.
What Laura did was empower me and my team to do this again and again. I’m here today having had our best launch ever under Laura’s guidance and I can finally say “I love to launch”. I cannot believe that Laura took me from a girl who never liked to launch, to someone who loves to launch."
"Laura is an absolute professional when it comes to launches and launch management. Everyone should jump at the opportunity to learn from her how to launch and how to become a professional launch manager. I give her my highest recommendations.
Laura was our launch manager in our latest 7 figure launch. I had been preparing for another 7 figure launch when I had a serious family emergency that took me away from my business for 2 months and at the same time I lost my whole marketing team. Laura came to rescue at the last minute and with her unbelievable support and professionalism, my team and I achieved another 7 figure launch."
"Laura is one of the few people who really changed my life. I have learned a lot of new stuff with a direct and positive impact on my business. Laura has shared with me all her know-how in many areas such as tech, social platforms, communication, and of course launches. I have had a great experience with Laura and Love to Launch. Being part of the community has been a natural step for me. Moreover, I see massive value in Laura’s coaching and experience. I finished just one launch and everything was a challenge for me but thanks to Laura's help and support I was able to do that and be successful."
"Before Laura, I'd launched a few times and had abysmal results.I hesitated to sign up for Laura's program because I had already spent tens of thousands of dollars on programs that didn't work for me, even though I implemented them. The moment I found Laura, I knew she was different and had a different approach. I felt certain that her methods would change everything in my business.
Since working with Laura, I went from not being able to make $1,000 from a launch to having a six-figure year because of launches. Because of these results, I've been able to buy my dream home and dedicate my free time to my passion for filmmaking."
"I wasn't exactly new to launches but they took up a LOT of time for not all that worth it results. With my 8 hour weeks (yes 8 hours a week) as a Mum of 2 young ones I didn’t have time to launch but Laura promised I would be able to with that time. I had been burned by online coaches and so I took a leap of faith and I’m so glad I did because I have had now had 3 successful launches – Laura has restored my faith.
Changing my focus when launching to being in service not in how many people are going to buy has helped me show up so much more – its felt easier, lighter and more fun all round.
Laura’s calm sense approach to launching is infectious. And for a recovering stressed-out-throw-everything-at-it launcher, that calming sense of it absolutely is possible is the most impressive transformation I've seen in myself by just being around her!
At the time, Laura’s VIP offer was the biggest investment I had ever made up till then, but I made my investment back within weeks – but that was just the start! After my first launch we looked at ways to scale and Laura pushed me to find affiliates and different ways to do it. I found a YouTuber and we partnered up. I was considering lowering my prices as I wasn’t sure how it would go, but Laura encouraged me not to lower the value. Because of that my revenue was so much higher, and I had my first $6-figure launch!
"Laura Phillips and her team are astounding. With Laura's launch training and coaching my launches get better and better and better. She pushes you to give your best, and shows you the way. She and her team are by my side every step of way answering my questions and cheering me on.
I would not have the wildly successful eBay coaching and influencer business I do without Laura's brilliance. I am profoundly grateful to have found Laura's wisdom and humanity."
"This is the first time I've ever launched my program and felt like I was nailing exactly what my audience needed and wanted to hear. I successfully launch a week-long bootcamp that had my ideal customer RAVING for more. We brought in over 9,000 leads into our free bootcamp event and welcomed 67 amazing new members into my program. The best part though is that I doubled my list in one month, grew my authority, and brought in a huge audience of people who know, like and trust me and will likely continue to join my program in future enrollment periods."
With 2 free live workshops over 2 days, you’re going to discover what it takes to have your best launch ever - learning from Laura Phillips, founder of Love To Launch, and launch strategist to the biggest names in marketing.
It's totally free!