World-Class Launches


"Within just 12 weeks I followed Laura’s launch plan to sell a course and made $7,000 in sales. I thought only 3 people would sign up, I wasn’t expecting 15! I spent nothing on ads and I didn’t create the product in advance! Laura has given me everything I needed to make that happen. I’m so excited to relaunch my course and running my first in-person workshops this year – people are asking for more and more!…

Working with Laura keeps me sane, and more importantly gives me the guts to just go for it! Laura’s attentiveness is amazing and it doesn’t feel like we are all in different time zones and we all feel so connected."

Yasmine Cheyenne, Self-healing expert, teacher and speaker. Washington DC, USA.


couldn't beliEve THE SPEED OF HER results


"Laura helped bring ease to my business and helped me realise a dream. I still need to pinch myself that I've created a 6-figure business with 505 members.

I've been given financial stability for me and my family, and got my time back. I'm also able to make more of an impact on my own community of people.

All I had to do was borrow Laura's belief in me for a little while, and now I have the strategy and confidence to launch over and over again."

Maggie Dmochowski - Adelaide Bakes, Australia.




"Before, my launches were disorganised, chaotic and somehow never-ending. In Let's Launch Together®, there were little bite size steps, everything was broken down and lots of support and encouragement made it impossible not to implement – even if it's imperfectly. 

In my last launch, I had over 600 people join and 58 new members. Best of all, my members are getting such fantastic results in the membership! I have learned a way to launch which not only brings in fantastic results for my business, but feels completely in line with my values too. Lifechanging!" 

Tash Minchella - Legal membership for coaches, UK.





"I used to hate launches before I met Laura. Not only did we have our best launch ever, not only did we feel so pumped and excited delivering the launch, but we were unbelievably amazed at the results.

What Laura did was empower me and my team to do this again and again. I’m here today having had our best launch ever under Laura’s guidance and I can finally say “I love to launch”. I cannot believe that Laura took me from a girl who never liked to launch, to someone who loves to launch."

"  Thanks to Laura's guidance we had our best launch ever"


"Laura has gently challenged the limiting belief I was clinging to."

I’d never really “launched” anything before. The level of detail Laura brings to this key area was the next major thing I needed. Partly the key steps, partly the mindset to step up and grow by business. I almost doubled my ‘best’ target of new members within 18 minutes and had to close the join link early and Laura helped me add an extra 20% to my launch with just one idea.


doubled her 'best' target

“I welcomed 73 people into my group program. I needed the step by step and holding to the vision that launching could be fun."

The program has set me up for an easy launch in October now that the bulk of the work is done and assets created. Launching gets to be structured and focused now. I loved having an actual plan that saw me follow through to completion without going off piste for the first time ever! 



"I had a 10% conversion on beta launch of my program. Then I got the confidence to create a membership which brings £4K/mth."

I had never done a launch before, I was way too scared that I was gonna have to put myself up there and possibly fail in front of everyone. But now, I get to be me and build a business of BFFs that buy from me. I have freedom, my zone of genius and my membership is a great funnel for private coaching clients.



"Aside from the financial benefits, the sense of community that I’ve created by having my own club has truly surprised me."

Laura helped me in MANY ways throughout my membership site journey. Firstly, she pushed me to start it in the first place when she could see I doubting myself and she helped discover the belief to get started. However she is immensely helpful on a strategic level too, and her launch skills are quite simply the best I’ve seen in the 10 years I’ve been working online.


has the belief to get started

"Laura is an absolute professional when it comes to launches and launch management. Everyone should jump at the opportunity to learn from her how to launch and how to become a professional launch manager. I give her my highest recommendations.

Laura was our launch manager in our latest 7 figure launch. I had been preparing for another 7 figure launch when I had a serious family emergency that took me away from my business for 2 months and at the same time I lost my whole marketing team. Laura came to rescue at the last minute and with her unbelievable support and professionalism, my team and I achieved another 7 figure launch."

"My team and I loved working with Laura and are looking forward to another 7+ figure launch with her."


"Laura is one of the few people who really changed my life. I have learned a lot of new stuff with a direct and positive impact on my business. Laura has shared with me all her know-how in many areas such as tech, social platforms, communication, and of course launches. I have had a great experience with Laura and Love to Launch. Being part of the community has been a natural step for me. Moreover, I see massive value in Laura’s coaching and experience. I finished just one launch and everything was a challenge for me but thanks to Laura's help and support I was able to do that and be successful."

"I decided to work with Laura because of Jay Shetty's recommendation."

Radek Osička

"I had a 20% conversion rate, superb feedback and participation in my launch."

Laura is the most supportive coach and is so personally invested with all her clients. She goes out of her way to solve your problems and is omni-present most especially at the crunch times of your launch. Her support is invaluable. Sooo excited for my next launch, this is a fabulous program worth every penny.



"The first time I launched with Laura’s help, I gained 14 new clients and $15,000."

I was able to attract the clients that were perfect for my program! This program has changed many things about the way I approach my business and my launches. If you’re looking for a personalised, high-level program and coaching experience, Let's Launch Together® will be your best bet! The coaching is spot on, which is such a huge help, especially when all the fears crop up.


HAS BUILT A SCALAble business

"I've gone from wanting to quit my business to £85k and then £96k in my last two launches!"

I’ve had so much clarity on how to move forward and it's great to be able to take a step back too, and just breathe. I now feel more in control and have a true sense of potential, I get excited about marketing! I love being part of a group of intelligent business owners where I get high-quality advice and feeling part of a community. 



"I did the work and now I get to reap the benefits."

Yes, this was a bit of an investment, but I knew that it was going to pay dividends, and oh my goodness it really did. By the end of the program, I was absolutely raring to go with my own launch - which was phenomenally successful (with a 16% conversion rate).


Can launch again & again

"I'm really confident about the future, and about how I'm going to take this business forward."

Laura's so present, she's fantastic, she keeps us on track and encourages us. I decided to launch with a five day challenge leading into a 30 day programme. And it went really well! It's brilliant launching together at the same pace as everyone else in the program. It's really comprehensive. 



When I “did the work,” in the way Laura teaches... success followed! My last launch brought in 85 founding members - an idea that Laura and I brainstormed in just 15 minutes. This blew me away and I thank Laura for encouraging me to go for it. Before I struggled to think of myself as an entrepreneur or business person. Now I feel that I can embrace sharing my work and enjoy marketing my offerings. 

Elizabeth Brass - Yoga instructor. Berlin, Germany.


first membership launch brought in 85 members


I had not long left my corporate career of 19 years when I started working with Laura as my coach. It was scary to launch, I had no audience and I just wasn’t sure anyone would buy. But within 3 months, Laura helped me develop a live workshop and offer, generating $11,000 in sales. Armed with my strong “why” and some amazing launch strategies from Laura, I got it out there. I learnt how to nurture and I feel like I have so much more confidence and experience to do this again.

Jodie Daniels - Privacy Consultant


made $11,000 in sales from HER first launch


"Let's Launch Together® has been incredible, we've had daily videos to keep us on track, as well as the amazing community on Facebook. We have all been going through exactly the same thins at the same time, it creates a real excitement!

The impact, on not only the income and business, but also the number of people we've all had the opportunity to help has been absolutely incredible.

This launch has been really successful in a very different way to my first launch. People were really, highly engaged."

Helen Hopkins, the Balance Coach, UK




When I worked with Laura I expected to get some great tips from another launch strategist. I saw her launch, and I thought to myself “Her tactics are pretty smart, and her launch looks so fun! I think I can learn something from her.” And I did!

Before working with Laura, I was very focused on my numbers. After working with Laura I started focusing on a great Launch Experience® – not only for my potential clients, but also for me and my team. That small but mighty mindset shift alone resulted in my biggest launch ever with more than 160k EUR in revenue. 

Katharina Lewald, Germany





"Before Laura, I'd launched a few times and had abysmal results.I hesitated to sign up for Laura's program because I had already spent tens of thousands of dollars on programs that didn't work for me, even though I implemented them. The moment I found Laura, I knew she was different and had a different approach. I felt certain that her methods would change everything in my business.

Since working with Laura, I went from not being able to make $1,000 from a launch to having a six-figure year because of launches. Because of these results, I've been able to buy my dream home and dedicate my free time to my passion for filmmaking."

"I went from not being able to make $1,000 from a launch to having a six-figure year."



"I wasn't exactly new to launches but they took up a LOT of time for not all that worth it results. With my 8 hour weeks (yes 8 hours a week) as a Mum of 2 young ones I didn’t have time to launch but Laura promised I would be able to with that time. I had been burned by online coaches and so I took a leap of faith and I’m so glad I did because I have had now had 3 successful launches – Laura has restored my faith.

Changing my focus when launching to being in service not in how many people are going to buy has helped me show up so much more – its felt easier, lighter and more fun all round.

Laura’s calm sense approach to launching is infectious. And for a recovering stressed-out-throw-everything-at-it launcher, that calming sense of it absolutely is possible is the most impressive transformation I've seen in myself by just being around her!

"My faith in online coaches has been restored."



"I learned to not get distracted on a self pity spiral or an overwhelm stop. "

'Im a yacht chef of 20 years and I started up Galley Souschef last year to help and support yacht chefs. It's a difficult job made harder because you are often working alone, under difficult circumstances. I have more confidence in myself and the membership. That it is both needed and is something I can do. I love the community and coaching calls in the program!



"I had a 3% conversion rate on a cold traffic launch. I feel seen by Laura!"

I had never done a launch before joining Laura and Love To Launch®. I had no idea how to get all the necessary pieces in place for what seemed like a very complicated process.
 I had a 3% conversion rate (with a cold audience!!) which may seem modest, but that is actually the fitness industry standard. So I am pleased and I am more confident! Go with your gut. I knew I would not have a good launch if I did not gain confidence and get help, so I bit the bullet and jumped in! I have no regrets. 



"I had 50 people sign up for my launch so a 6% conversion rate... starting from scratch!"

This has been a true me being in my zone of genius and zone of joy experience and doesn't feel like work at all! And from my audience building I've made some amazing connections and grown my audience and I can really feel a community starting to come together and am so so excited for the future of my business.



"I had a 7.5 % conversion rate and I was incredibly pleased with that!"

I had no idea how many things I could do to start preparing 12 weeks out. Best thing I could have ever done for my business. I am excited to keep building on this! I know each time will be a new level for me. I needed the hand holding and laid out steps to keep me focused and on track. Laura is like having a constant voice of belief and knowledge right alongside each step of launching. 



"I now have 50 people in my membership! Your life will be changed. Mine has.”

Before, I had a failed launch. I got a big fat ZERO. Then, I learnt to look at the conversations rather than the number of people. Laura will meet you where you're at, and support you heading to your dreams. It's 100% worth leaping in, getting engaged, and sharing vulnerably where you're at. No need to look good or be perfect. Just be you! And allow her to guide you to your greatness.



"The best part of Let's Launch Together was being able to focus on serving our customers with an open heart!"

I did a lot of launches but had the feeling some fun, structure is missing to really scale it easily. Because of Let's Launch Together® I had a great launch with a lot of ease – and that with all the Corona crazyness. There was structure & fun (and more to come). My engagement was focused on personal conversations. In my community there was better engagement and results in the course after the launch. Simply amazing testimonials.



"In the online space, I felt overwhelmed and confused, I didn't really know where to start. I didn't know how to move forward. I always say that like Laura was my guardian angel, because she came into my life at a time when I was ready to walk away from the online world.  

Laura took the whole Launch Experience® and broke it down into components that were very manageable and felt easy, and actionable, as opposed to this big overwhelming, scary, frightening thing that people think launches are. I absolutely could not have got through it without Laura and the community, who motivated me, pushed me to be brave, and held my hand when I needed it. "

Dominique Mullally,




"I'm quite experienced with launches and I've had some really successful launches this year. But I wanted to my content to be fresh, I'm big on innovation!

The results from Let's Launch Together® have been fantastic actually, I've got 15 new people joining my mastermind, brining in 50k! But it is so much more than that to me. I deeply connected with my people and brought them together, and the transformations were huge!

Laura really keeps her eye on the pulses so she has amazing strategies to deal with the different issues in launching."

Gemma Went,





"I had never done a launch before, and I had doubts about whether I was qualified enough. I saw that sharing my own real world experience of being a single mum, struggling with a highly strung child, digging deep and working on myself, improving my life and learning loads of amazing parenting techniques and not giving up on that journey despite the challenges including a brain injury, is the kind of journey that other mothers can connect to and want to be inspired by.

I had 10 paying customers. It has given me confidence to build my business as I can see how long term I can live my purpose and also make that my sole way of making an income."

Jade Tara Gooding,




I had launched before, it was super stressful, had crummy results and was totally discouraging. In my first full launch experience: I had 272 people in the launch, 14 sign-ups. That's 3.5x the last time!! And I can already feel that I'll be able to do that next time too! I'm over the moon, and the clients I've brought in are exactly the right clients for me and for my course. I'm beyond happy and I can feel the momentum!

Because of this, so much has changed for me: my confidence in where I'm going, the sense that I'm finding ways to organically attract the RIGHT people, it increased my revenue hugely and will likely help me fill my back-end membership so HELLO recurring revenue! It's put a huge spring in my step and boosted my confidence no end.

Anne Ferguson, Brand Voice Strategist





At the time, Laura’s VIP offer was the biggest investment I had ever made up till then, but I made my investment back within weeks – but that was just the start! After my first launch we looked at ways to scale and Laura pushed me to find affiliates and different ways to do it. I found a YouTuber and we partnered up. I was considering lowering my prices as I wasn’t sure how it would go, but Laura encouraged me not to lower the value. Because of that my revenue was so much higher, and I had my first $6-figure launch!

"Laura helped me to not only go from a 5-figure to 6-figure launch, but helped me build a business I  love."

Lukas Van Vyve -


"Laura Phillips and her team are astounding. With Laura's launch training and coaching my launches get better and better and better. She pushes you to give your best, and shows you the way. She and her team are by my side every step of way answering my questions and cheering me on.

 I would not have the wildly successful eBay coaching and influencer business I do without Laura's brilliance. I am profoundly grateful to have found Laura's wisdom and humanity."

"Laura, her team, and the business owners she attracts continually nourish me and my business."



"This is the first time I've ever launched my program and felt like I was nailing exactly what my audience needed and wanted to hear. I successfully launch a week-long bootcamp that had my ideal customer RAVING for more. We brought in over 9,000 leads into our free bootcamp event and welcomed 67 amazing new members into my program. The best part though is that I doubled my list in one month, grew my authority, and brought in a huge audience of people who know, like and trust me and will likely continue to join my program in future enrollment periods."

"I just had my first multiple 5-figure launch and created raving fans!"



"I got £8667 in sales… Let’s Launch Together® made me more confident with my launch approach."

"My old perception was that with launches there are lots of different moving parts that you need to get right – this hasn't really changed but with Laura's support and coaching I now know what you need to do so I can rinse & repeat. I got over the hurdle and fear of being on camera and finally ran a launch the proper way!"


is growing and inspired

"I know I can do launches now because I know I can offer experiences. It's what I'm good at actually."

"I needed to be shown I could do that as a launch and let go of my old mindset that it would have to be more pushy, less personal, and more strategised. Now I feel I can just be me.  I'm adding my story here because my ‘success' has been in trusting my pivot and knowing I can not only do it but also ‘protect it' (doing what I love as a business and keeping it's integrity) by launching my way with humble confidence, on the fly creativity if needed, and transparency."


scaled her launches

"I am now debt-free and can take time off this Christmas with my family."

“I didn't expect launching to be easy, but actually, I surprised myself by what I managed to achieve doing Laura's entry level route.

I am delighted to say that I had a 17.35% conversion rate. 59 people out of 340 that signed up for my free painting week. And I sold 11 mentoring sessions too as an upsell. £15,100 total."



Deborah O'Grady - The Brand Coach

"Laura's step by step guide and support gave me the tools and confidence to launch in 12 weeks - and get an 8% conversion rate!"

"As an OBM who supports clients with launches - having "insider information" is a huge string to add to my bow!"

The training is top class and Laura is so friendly and accessible - just happy to help and lovely! The swipes available are priceless and to learn about different strategies is "chef's kiss"! There's a lot more in Launch Swipes than I thought, it has exceeded my expectations and I’m excited for what I’ll learn next!



“Laura makes me feel like launches can be fun and easy!”

My biggest challenge with launches was not planning enough in advance, which meant being caught by surprises. Now, I feel like I'm learning in bite size chunks, which has been really helpful. I love that we get to directly ask questions to Laura! And the Waitlist Email Strategy training was gold. 



"I joined Launch Swipes because I know that Laura delivers the most up-to-date strategies."

Laura does not believe in a “one size fits all” solution. I think she is just the best in regards to launching, she cares about clients and sees the whole picture. I was in the previous membership, and there’s a reason why I signed up for this one too! 



With 2 free live workshops over 2 days, you’re going to discover what it takes to have your best launch ever - learning from Laura Phillips, founder of Love To Launch, and launch strategist to the biggest names in marketing.

Join the most value-packed free live launch event of the year.

It's totally free!