World-Class Launches



Why no one really bought your product (Part 1)… and what you can do about it

November 28, 2017

If you have lovingly put together an offer for your market, you KNOW they need what you have to sell, you feel like you add huge amounts of value to the lives of the people you serve… but no one bought! Then you need to pay attention to what I’m about to share with you in today’s blog…


I'm the founder of Love To Launch and launch director, CMO and team-trainer to the biggest names in the online world. I have two grown up children (proud teen Mum), a luxury travel addict, foodie and latte lover.



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Failed launches SUCK. Believe me I’ve been there too, and I feel your pain. I've tested a whole host of potential markets and potential products – sometimes it pays off, sometimes it tanks.

But if you have lovingly put together an offer for your market, you KNOW they need what you have to sell, you feel like you add huge amounts of value to the lives of the people you serve… but no one bought…

Then you need to pay attention to what I’m about to share with you.

Lots of “marketers” will tell you “oh, its your offer” or “its your positioning” or “you’re not selling the benefits”.



Let me give you the good stuff… (PART 1 TODAY)


You didn’t sell “The big 4”

Speed, ease, lower cost, results. They are the only 4 things a buyer really wants.


“Will your product help me to achieve ‘X result' with more speed, more ease, less cost and more results.”

That’s it.

If you aren’t selling how your product will DELIVER on those 4, no one’s going to bite.


“In 6 weeks I’m going to show you how to find and win clients online.”


“In less than 6 weeks I’m going to show you how to make your dream clients find YOU and BEG to get on your waitlist, without having to spend money on paid advertising and expensive tools.”


But more important than selling the big 4…

if you aren’t actually delivering them in your products you’re missing out on delivering a world-class experience. A long term focus of yours when creating products needs to be HOW do I make this true.

That’s how incredible businesses are built.


So let’s dissect that statement…

Speed – “less than 6 weeks” (even better if you can add to your product with swipes, templates, processes etc to speed up the process even more)

Ease – clients find YOU, not you find clients. (same strategy positioned differently – give your audience a new opportunity!)

Cost – Show them how to use shortcuts, free tools, hacks and tricks to reduce / remove the need for additional cost & subscriptions (I make this a big focus of my products)

Results – dream clients that beg to get on your waitlist (doesn’t that sound soooo much more appealing?!)


Great copy can sell a crappy product, a great product with a great promise can help you get away with bad copy.

I am NOT the world’s best copywriter! In fact, I think my copywriting skills are one of my biggest weaknesses… but I focus on over-delivering with my products and making sure I shout about how amazing my products are!

And when you're looking to improve your products ask yourself… How can I make this quicker, easier, with less cost and more results.

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