Part 3: How to Engage MORE People

We’re on to Part 3 already!

As a quick recap, in the last part we talked about the hybrid launch strategy, where we offer both free and paid VIP options to your attendees.

This allows us to leverage the list-building benefits of a free experience while also bringing together a group of super-engaged VIPs who are going to offer the chance of amazing conversion rates in the short term.

Heading onto Part 3 of this Launch Success series, we’re going to move the conversation on to the content you’re delivering.

What we’re going to talk about is stacking launch events.

If you’re not ready for paid launches, this is the next best option as it allows you to provide HUGE value, which should turn the heads of your less engaged attendees.

That being said, it’s also a great strategy for paid launches, so consider how you may be able to implement it if that’s the direction you’re going in.

Let’s jump into it…

Strategy #3 – Stacking Launch Events

In the same way we have learning styles, our audience has different ways of enjoying launch content too.

Some people love showing up live and being ALL IN on a learning experience and engaging with the rest of the community.

For some others, they like short snappy pieces of video content that they can squeeze into their busy schedule without the distraction of the live chat.

And some people will like small daily tasks to keep them interested, and they love the feeling of taking action and challenging themselves to do new things.


So why is it that we create ONE launch
style thinking it will suit everyone?


What’s worked really well for us – whether it's in paid or free launches – is stacking a few different parts to a whole launch event to create more opportunities for your audience to connect with you and LOVE your content.

But what exactly does a stacked launch look like?

Well, here’s some examples…

It’s simply having a two or more launch events run back to back.

So this could be (but not limited to) something like the following…

Example #1: 3-Day Challenge into a Workshop

You could run a less intensive 3-day challenge that allows people to take simple action and get some quick wins, then at the end run a more involved and in-depth masterclass that allows them to build on everything they’ve done in the challenge.

This will cater to the people who don’t want to get too involved while also having further options for those who want to go all in!

Example #2: Masterclass into a 7-Day Challenge

You could have a masterclass right at the beginning which goes over everything you want to teach them up front, then slide your way into a 7-day challenge to help people implement.

The value proposition would be…


“You’ve just learned all this amazing stuff, let’s go spend 7 days putting it into practice!”


This is a great option as a free + paid launch event too. Put a price tag on the challenge so that you’re only bringing in the most motivated people.

Example #3: Summit into a 3-Day Workshop

Like putting on BIG events?

Well, what better way to leverage all the excitement and feel-good energy of a summit than to offer a way to continue the experience?

Summits are often big on energy and feel-good factors, but not always in-depth in terms of what they’re learning or taking away.

Offering a more in-depth workshop is once again going to bring together the most engaged people who have developed a level of trust from the previous experience.

Don’t Overthink It

You can literally create anything you want that feels GOOD TO YOU and that you think your audience would gain the most value from.

Get creative, stack different events and don’t be afraid to try new things. This is where launch magic happens.

How Should You Promote it?

What we don’t want to do is create confusion as to what people are signing up for, or what part of it they should consume or attend.

For this reason, it’s best to consider the first part of the launch as the “main” part.

This is what you’ll be promoting in the 2-3 weeks leading up to the event and it’s the thing you’re ultimately selling people into.

So, for example, let’s say you’re running a 3-day challenge that runs into a workshop.

The thing that you’d be promoting is the 3-day challenge for a period before it kicks off, however, once it starts you can then begin letting people know that there’s also this other thing they can jump into if they want to take all of this a step further.

It’s largely internal promotion within the 3-day challenge. That being said, if you have warm audiences elsewhere like an email list or an active following on social media, don’t be afraid to promote the second event on those channels too.

Some people may not want to do the challenge but can see benefits in the workshop. Don’t assume they wouldn’t.

This Isn’t Just About More Content

What we also don’t want to do is overwhelm people with lots of content, or confuse them with content that feels disjointed.


More content isn’t always better.


And we’re starting to see that marketers have gone a bit too far with the amount they’re asking attendees to get through.

So, while we advocate stacking launches, remember that this is about creating an experience that caters to more people, not just creating hours and hours of extra content to consume.

Similar to the free + paid strategy, you don’t want people to feel like they can’t get what they were promised unless they sign up for the second event, so you must be clear with the purpose of that event in particular.

The Takeaways

Ok, that’s the end of Part 3. Here’s what I want you to remember on this one…


👥 Different strokes for different folks – People learn and enjoy content in different ways. Stacking launch events gives people a chance to enjoy what they enjoy while still getting what they want from the whole experience.

🎨 Get creative – There are no hard and fast rules here. Stack events that feel right to you and create the kind of experience you want to provide for your audience.

 🧠Don’t overthink it – Do what feels good. You showing up with more excitement and energy is going to have a bigger impact than running with a launch combination that may perform better, but you don’t enjoy.

 📢Ideal promotion – For your promotional runway, put your energy and focus on the first part of the event, then when it starts you can begin letting people know about the next part they can join. That said, don’t be afraid to invite your warm audiences to that one too if it feels right.

📺 It’s not about more content – Content overwhelm and burnout is real. This isn’t about just giving people more hours of content to consume, but rather creating an experience that they’re genuinely excited to take part in.


And that brings us to the end of Part 3 in the Launch Success Series!

Coming up in Part 4 we’re going to be talking about THE most important part of this whole thing.

People spend so much time focusing on the launch experience and the content they’ll deliver that they forget or run out of time to focus on the whole point of it… making sales!

So in Part 4, we’ll be going over some strategies you can use to ensure all that hard work you’ve put in up to this point will pay off as much as possible.

I can’t wait to share it!

Laura x

Launch Success Series