World-Class Launches



10 ways to level up your course, program or membership

January 24, 2022

As online membership, course and program creators, we have to stay at the top of our game when it comes to the experience that we deliver to our audience. And heading into a brand new year is the perfect time to assess what we’ve got, and how we can take things to the next level in 2022.

We’ve outlined our top 10 suggestions to help make your membership, course or online program the best it can be. And it’s easier than you think!


I'm the founder of Love To Launch and launch director, CMO and team-trainer to the biggest names in the online world. I have two grown up children (proud teen Mum), a luxury travel addict, foodie and latte lover.



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As online membership, course and program creators, we have to stay at the top of our game when it comes to the experience that we deliver to our audience. And heading into a brand new year is the perfect time to assess what we've got, and how we can take things to the next level in 2022.

We've outlined our top 10 suggestions to help make your membership, course or online program the best it can be. And it's easier than you think!

(This article does include affiliate links.)


Do a visual refresh

We're not talking a full rebrand here. It can be as simple as creating some new graphics for your content hub, switching up some of your colours, or refreshing your logo – this can also be applied to video thumbnails for your content. It can instantly bring a course site back to life.

Update your best content for 2022

A lot can change from year to year (from month to month even!) and so it's important to stay ahead of the curve and update your best content so it continues to resonate with your audience. Check for outdated references, broken links, and processes that are no longer applicable, tech references that have changed or aren't relevant any more. You don't want incorrect content sitting in your hub. This may take a bit of time to do, but it will be so worth it! 

Searchable content

Making your content searchable is a huge benefit to your community. It makes it so easy for them to find exactly what they're looking for without having to go through all of your content. We use Searchie for our courses and memberships and it's something we would absolutely never be without! Simply type in a keyword and Searchie will scan all of your video content, provide a results list, and hey presto! When clicked it will take the user to the exact point in the video that mentions their keyword.

Create a podcast version

The easiest way to do this is to simply download the audio and make it available alongside every video. It can then be downloaded by your members. If you want to take it a step further, you can create a private podcast feed using a tool like Hello Audio – this will give all of your people a private link and they subscribe just as they would any other podcast. This is all about boosting content consumption, and many people like to listen on the go.

Add video transcripts and captions

Here we're thinking about making it as easy as possible to access and consume content, as well as boosting overall content consumption. People learn and absorb information in different ways, and video isn't always the best medium for people. Offering transcriptions for your videos is perfect for those who prefer reading, as is the addition of captions. Captions also make it easier for those whose first language isn't your own. A tool like Searchie is perfect for this and it captions for free.

Add an online calendar

This is such a simple but effective way of really up-levelling the experience your community gets from you and boosts show up rates for calls. Using a tool like AddEvent (our go-to calendar tool!) or even Google Calendar, add in all of your live sessions and make it available to your membership. They can subscribe, add it to their own calendars and never miss a call.

Retire old content and move to a vault

If you've got old or less relevant content, strip it out of your hub but DON'T delete it! It's still very valuable and can be reworked for future content. Instead, move it to a vault or archive so it's easy for your students to revisit and it makes a cool bonus when you’re selling your offers in the future.

Co-working sessions

Co-working sessions are super easy to run, and offer huge value to your people. It's as simple as setting up a Zoom call, getting everyone to share what their goals are for the session, and getting down to work! Check in periodically to see how they're doing. A lot of people are working in isolation, so being part of a virtual group all working together provides both accountability and support.

Accountability calls

Monthly accountability calls are a fantastic way to get your people set up for the month ahead. We run these the first week of the month, and provide a simple framework for the session. Considerations include reviewing the outcomes of the previous month, and setting personal and business goals for the upcoming month. These group calls are great for engagement and getting support from other members of the community as well as from you and your team.

Invest in a better camera and mic

Finally, investing in a better camera and mic will boost the quality of the video and audio content you deliver to your people. If you're anything like us, our cameras and audio equipment get A LOT of use. And yes, investing in equipment does cost money, but the increase in output quality that it provides is worth the outlay. We hope these suggestions have helped inspire you to make a few changes this January. And remember, you don't have to do everything – just pick a few that you feel would work best for you and go for it!

Wishing you a fantastic start to the year.

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