Have you ever suffered from Day Two Doom? This is what we call it when your launch hits its second day and suddenly sales seem to drop off a cliff.
Whether you’re new to launches, or haven’t launched your product yet, here are our top tips for how to get things back on track if your sales suddenly go quiet during a launch.
Don’t panic.
I teach people how to manage their launches. I have seen Day Two Doom lots of times. It’s normal when you first open your cart to have a flurry of sales, which then drops off during the second day. There’s even a name for it. It’s called the Hockey Stick Effect.
On day one, you get a lot of sales, and on day two a sudden dip, but then your sales will gradually begin to climb again (in a shape like a hockey stick!)
This is all down to human nature. People often don’t act until there’s a deadline (like the end of your cart open period), or perhaps they’re just taking a few days to decide before spending their hard earned money.
Don’t quit.
Some people take one look at the dip on their second day and give up, thinking that their launch is over or that it’s failed. Don’t do this! This is the absolute worst time to quit.
Keep up your energy and believe that you’re going to get results. I have seen this happen time and time again. Clients who believe in themselves get the results they want.
Mix it up.
If you notice that people aren’t paying as much attention to your launch, give them something a bit different. Mix up your content to keep people interested. If your focus has been on video, start doing email, or vice versa. Change it up to keep momentum and interest from your audience and your customers. Think about different ways to reach out to people. This might be reaching out to people privately, or setting up a bot campaign. Don’t be afraid to try something new to keep it fresh.
Keep positive.
Staying positive and believing in your launch is so important. If you don’t believe in your product, believe me, your customers will pick up on it.
Show up for people.
Pay attention to the people who are engaging with your content. For example, if you posted a video, check out the comments and let people know about new content that they might have missed. In this way, you’ll be creating genuine value for your customers. This builds awareness and trust in your brand.
Always answer questions! Your biggest aim during a launch should be to build relationships. If somebody reaches out to ask a question, which then goes unanswered, that person won’t feel seen. This will stop them from buying from you.
People buy because they like you as a person. Show up for your customers, be genuine, and just be nice. This will have a greater impact than worrying about complicated tech sales strategies.
Follow these top tips to reduce the impact of Day Two Doom, but don’t forget that the dip is completely normal. Don’t give up! Something great is waiting for you on the other side of that quiet period.
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