World-Class Launches


Tech & Tools

Our top business tools (updated for 2023

January 24, 2022

If you’re in need of a helping hand in some areas of your business, have a look through these tools and see if one might be just what you need. We only recommend tools that we have tested and use regularly – so these come with our stamp of approval.


I'm the founder of Love To Launch and launch director, CMO and team-trainer to the biggest names in the online world. I have two grown up children (proud teen Mum), a luxury travel addict, foodie and latte lover.



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Set yourself up for success with our top tool recommendations for 2023 (updated from 2022)

If you're in need of a helping hand in some areas of your business, have a look through these tools and see if one might be just what you need. We only recommend tools that we have tested and use regularly, so you can rest assured if a tool is on this list then it has our stamp of approval!



Making your content searchable is a HUGE benefit to your community. It makes it so easy for them to find exactly what they're looking for without having to go through all of your content. Simply type in a keyword and Searchie will scan all of your video content, provide a results list, and give you a list of everywhere that term appears. It's so easy!



Leadpages is our go-to tool for building landing pages for our launches and lead-gen opt-ins. The interface is intuitive and user-friendly, and the templates are super customisable. You can connect it to your CRM too (we use Keap).


Hello Audio

This is a cool bit of tech to help you set up private podcast feeds. If you want to increase content consumption during your launch, or you're after an awesome bonus to share with your people, a private podcast feed works really well. HelloAudio will generate a one-time non-sharable subscription link for each person, and hey presto! Your content can stream directly into their ears!


Pretty Links

If you're sharing links, either during launch promo or just generally in day-to-day comms, long and complex URLs are unwieldy and unattractive. Pretty Links is a free WordPress plugin, and makes it super easy to ‘prettify' your links, keeping them on brand too.


Last Pass

This is our tool of choice for storing all of our team passwords. Last Pass provides a secure place for website and platform login information – no more keeping a password file on your desktop, notes scribbled on pads or sending passwords over Slack.



This is such a simple but effective way of really up-levelling the experience your community gets from you and boosts show up rates for calls. Using AddEvent, add in all of your live sessions and make it available to your membership. They can subscribe, add it to their own calendars and never miss a call.



Intercom is a customer communication platform. Yes it has a live chat messenger and a support desk inbox, but it also has customisable bots and programmable product tours to create an epic customer experience. It's user-friendly, always releasing new features and although not the cheapest – it's worth it.



Thrivecart is the only checkout you'll ever need! Customisable and so easy to use. You can use it for one-off payments, setting up recurring payments/subscriptions, affiliates, product upsells… An incredible tool that we wouldn't be without. Pay once and never pay again.


Chat GPT

It wouldn't be a 2023 update without a mention of AI, and we're LOVING Chat GPT for speeding up our workflow with copy. There are clearly some pieces that need working out for AI to be an ethical tool for business owners to use, but the way we use it is to speed the creation of copy based on what we've already done – not having Chat GPT create content and us pass it off as original. One of our favourite strategies is to take transcripts of our coaching calls and have them written into blog frameworks which we will then go and edit to make it closer to our writing style. We can't wait to see how this develops in years to come! It's worth upgrading to avoid the sporadic availability of the free version

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