World-Class Launches



What to do when no one buys during your launch?

February 23, 2018

You open cart in your amazing launch event… and crickets. No sales! But fret not – this blog covers 4 things you can do when no one is buying.


I'm the founder of Love To Launch and launch director, CMO and team-trainer to the biggest names in the online world. I have two grown up children (proud teen Mum), a luxury travel addict, foodie and latte lover.



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You’ve spent months working on your launch.

You lovingly crafted your offer.

You feel like you gave it your all in your launch event.

You open cart… and crickets.

No one’s showing a bit of interest.

Your heart sinks and you want to go and hide away in shame and never launch again.

Believe me, I’ve been there (more than once!) and its a horrible feeling so I wanted to share some practical steps to help you recover!


1 – It isn’t over yet.

There’s a misconception that when you open cart you’re always going to get a huge flurry of sales and this isn’t always the case.

This often happens if you just spring your product on your audience or if its your first launch! I always let my audience know a day before I open cart that something EPIC is coming and they need to pay attention.

But it definitely doesn’t mean your launch is going to tank just because no one is paying attention YET.

Sometimes it takes a few days for your audience to absorb your offer, consider their options and make a decision – especially if it's a high ticket product.

The very worst thing you can do is to stop your launch activities because you’ve lost your confidence because many people won’t buy until the last minute.

You can never judge your results till after your cart has closed and you’ve used every “cart-open weapon” in your arsenal!


2 – Keep up your enthusiasm

I know it can be hard to maintain your energy and enthusiasm when you’re feeling unconfident.

But if you start showing your customers that you’re not 1000% behind your product – why would they buy?

Ensure that every social media post, email, livestream or video is filled with the same level of enthusiasm that you had when you thought you’d crush your launch!!

Customers can sniff those subtle changes in your tone.

Believe you WILL make those sales and you will because your actions will ensure you achieve results.

Believe you WON’T and your results will reflect that belief.


3 – Don’t stop the sales conversation

Just because someone didn’t buy from you immediately, it doesn’t mean they aren’t going to buy.

In fact, most of my sales in any launch come on my last day of a 6 day cart-open period.

So can you imagine what would happen to my business if I decided to stop talking about my product just because no-one bought on day 1?

You need to continue talking about your product in different ways…

  • Sharing success stories, case studies, testimonials and reviews.
  • Answering objections, sharing answers to FAQ’s and details that people really want to know.
  • Showing people what they get, perhaps even a demo of your site and content.
  • Reminding them why now is the time to take action
  • Creating bonuses and testing different ideas for bonuses to encourage sales
  • Going deeper on the subjects you cover in your product in taster workshops / livestreams

And you can do that with emails, social media posts, videos, livestreams and webinars.

Don’t stop taking action during the cart open period!



Just because you’re doing a launch online, doesn’t mean you can't use offline methods.

One of my top strategies for converting my leads to sales is to offer what I call a “right fit” call.

This is a 15 minute call with me during cart open so my potential customers can ask me their questions and find out if my product is a right fit for them.

You might think this is tiresome… but would you get on the phone for 4 hours for £25,168?

Course you would!

What I’ve learned is that most people have already decided that the program is right for them through your pre-cart open activities, but they just need a little help over the line.

Sometimes a quick chat with the person they’re about to buy from is all they need to reassure them the investment they’re making is right for them.

Plus the best thing about these calls is that they give you some GOLD on their objections to buying. You can then use that to tweak your offer, offer new bonuses and make their purchase experience amazing.

I use what they tell on those calls to craft exciting welcome activities.



Product launches have a way of bringing out your biggest fears and insecurities and you are not alone in feeling negative emotions!

But you do have absolute control over how you respond to challenges like no one buying.

KEEP GOING. Keep doing the work. Keep up your enthusiasm and do not give up.

And if no one buys, then ask your customers why not and change it for next time.

If you never quit, you’ll inevitably become a success and sometimes its just a case of tweaking your launch event and offer and trying again.

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