World-Class Launches


Diversity, equity and inclusion at Love To Launch

We are incredibly saddened and angered by the suffering of the BIPOC communities and see the systemic global changes that need to take place and at Love To Launch we support them. We will no longer be quiet about what we witness and we stand with the black community.

We don't just post a black square on social, we’ve been focused on actually “doing” the work in our company.

All of our team are DEI trained and we want to help dismantle systemic racism with our actions.

With love being our strongest company value we are doing this because we love our community and want things to change.

We want to be powerful allies to the BIPOC community.

We’re committed to equity, inclusion and diversity in our company (both as individuals and as a team) and we’re in this for the long-haul. This is our public commitment.

We’re invested in doing the necessary work with training, re-education and hiring the right people to support us as we make the long-term changes.

It isn’t enough just to say we support it – we are committed to instilling these values and policies into all the areas of our company.

Laura x

With 2 free live workshops over 2 days, you’re going to discover what it takes to have your best launch ever - learning from Laura Phillips, founder of Love To Launch, and launch strategist to the biggest names in marketing.

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