World-Class Launches


Tribe Building

How to build a tribe of superfans who queue up to buy your products

January 5, 2018

If you want to create an amazing online product / service, you need to focus on building a tribe of superfans. In today’s post I’m sharing how the “3V Formula” can help you to do that


I'm the founder of Love To Launch and launch director, CMO and team-trainer to the biggest names in the online world. I have two grown up children (proud teen Mum), a luxury travel addict, foodie and latte lover.



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I spend most my time talking to people about launches and I noticed that, for many I speak to, there’s a huge focus on the actual creation of the online product / service.

You may be wondering why that’s a problem, after all you need to have the product to get sales, but the focus needs to be on winning your dream customers first – a tribe of super-fans!

When I was beginning my coaching career I had a lot of my community asking me how I built my audience. I'd had a lot of success in a short space of time building my online profile, even as an introvert. I began to dissect what had worked for me so I could teach it others, and it came down to 3 core factors – what I now call the 3 V Formula.



As an introvert I found this one very hard in the beginning. I did not want to be in the spotlight and I was very fearful of my content and brand being judged. I realised, quite early on, that my mission to help others was actually far more important than my fears.

There were things I knew people really needed to know about marketing and business growth. I held a strong belief that methodology was the right way to do things, and I wanted to protect people from spammy internet marketers.

This message, my mission, and the values I held were all part of the voice I needed to get out into the world. You will also have your own unique voice encompassing your message, mission and values.

If you want to connect on a deeper level with the people who need to hear what you have to say, you have to start getting vocal and remember this is the only thing that really makes you unique in business.

This doesn't mean you need to shout the loudest because having a powerful voice is more about what you have to say rather than how loud.


My voice in business encompasses…

My mission – To empower others with the knowledge and confidence they need to build an incredible business and live a life of freedom.

My message – Turning your ideas and experience into digital products is the path to profits, freedom and impact.

My values – Honesty, Creativity, Freedom, Experience, Family.

I invite you to spend some time reflecting on what your message, mission and values are. The more clarity you have on that, the easier you'll find it to share those values.



Showing value, to me, is a thread that should run through everything you do in business. In its simplest definition, positively impacting the lives of your audience and customers.

It's how you show strangers that you are a company they should get to know better.

It's how you demonstrate to leads you are trustworthy and a company they should business with.

And its how you create incredible experiences for your customers.

Whether its publishing content that answers your audiences biggest questions, the freebies you share or hosting webinars to help them use your products better.

To deliver true value, place your audience and customers' happiness at the heart of what you do.


Ways I like to add value…

  1. Giving my best content away on a blog
  2. Sharing the secrets other marketers don't
  3. Personally answering all of my emails / messages from followers
  4. Surprising my customers with bonuses they weren't expecting
  5. Giving my time to support people in need of help


When it comes to giving value to your audience you need to look at the different stages of their customer journey and identify their varying needs. Then you simply brainstorm 1 idea for each stage. I personally like to answer – “What would make my customer smile at this stage?”



The third piece of the puzzle, and by no means the least important because they are all equal, is your visibility.

This is how you get seen by your audience. There are many misconceptions about visibility, the biggest one being that you have to have a million followers to have a hugely successful business.

This just isn't the case! Being seen is not about volume, its about being seen in a big way by the people who are truly important to you.

A great strategy, instead of just focusing on the major platforms, is to identify the smaller niched places that your audience hang out online and dominate them.

Create content that adds value, using your unique voice, and share it in the format that best fits that platform and you cannot go wrong!


How I became more visible…

  • I signed up for courses to network with people in my industry
  • I attended workshops / events that my customers would be attending.
  • I hang out in the groups / forums that they frequent.
  • I only focus on 2 platforms for my content.


A great place to find niche websites is to use the Conversation Prism and identify potential places where your audience hang out that you hadn't considered yet.



Now you've discovered my 3 V Formula for building a tribe of super-fans who are queuing up to buy all of your products. I really do consider this to be my secret sauce in business and should be your focus if you're trying to launch and sell more digital products.

You have to work on all 3, as well as create products that deliver results, to create an amazing products business but as you can see from today's blog – most of this is down to common sense.


Finally, I would love to hear from you! Is there one of the 3 V's that particularly resonated with you as one you need to work on? What's your first action?

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