2024 TME bonus experience specifically designed to uplevel your membership launch results

A bonus experience specifically designed to uplevel your membership launch results

Valued at £8253 and yours free when you join the Membership Experience with our link (and yes you still get all of Stu's amazing bonuses too!)

scroll on if you're into it.

GET our bonuses!
Enrol in TME TODAY

One of the amazing things about the Membership Experience program, is that Stu will guide you through the whole process of designing and launching a membership - from content all the way through to retention.

But there’s no hiding from the fact you need a foolproof way to grow your membership. And there’s no better way than an engaging online launch event!

Whether you love them or hate them, launches are an essential element of growing your online membership.

So what would it do for your results if you had the support of a leading launch agency team by your side? A team who manages multiple 6 and 7 figure launches all day every day, for some of the biggest leaders in the online space…?

And what if you had a coach that not only had their own successful membership business, but has coached hundreds of membership site owners in Stu's own program through their launch journeys?

And imagine… if you had all the swipes, launch plans and resources you could possibly need to launch!

Well… you’d not only get you better results, but you’d save a ton of time, money and I’d bet you’d have more fun too.

A bonus experience with a leading launch agency designed to get your membership launched

What we do at Love To Launch is the perfect combination with Stu's program.

I have a unique perspective on TME. As an alumni and the only external launch coach ever invited into Stu’s own membership community, I know exactly what support you’re going to need and how to get the best from the program.

My agency Love To Launch works with some of the most successful membership business owners in the online space and we’ve generated millions of dollars in sales for our launch clients.

My added experience of being a successful membership business owner, to the tune of £1.1m in revenue, means you get the benefit of my expertise in the very specific context of launching memberships.

I put together my bonus experience to simplify your membership strategy, speed up your implementation and amplify your launch results.

As a proud partner of Stu's, when you sign up via my link you'll get access to my UNIQUE and extra special bonus experience totally FOR FREE. You also get all of Stu’s bonuses! This is a coaching experience like no other.

I have a unique perspective on TME...

Laura x 

Working with Stu has led me to the most fun and success in business I’ve ever had… we both want that for you too!

We’ll also teach you how to do a #StuFace 😉

We've included everything you need for launch success


Launch training




Membership Experience Bonus

Once you have your launch plan created you'll start your 4 months access to my agency team to give you the support you need to have wild success with your launch. You'll get regular coaching calls, ongoing launch support, training plans and community. Being a more intimate group will truly help you up-level your results and give you the support you need as you launch.


Success Path training to help you complete the Foundation module with more ease & bigger success. Nailing this part will make your launch better and massively increase results, engagement and retention in your membership. We want to help you get there faster and easier.

Success Path Training

To complete your experience, you’ll get access to our members-only library for 12 months once TME finishes. This will give you access to all of our wider training, our top-converting launch plans, quick launch campaigns, ads training, swipes and resources – so you have plenty of support as you launch and relaunch.


Value = £3998

Value = £297

Value = £1164

Learn how to launch like the pros! You'll also get access to our game-changing program Let's Launch Together (self-study) that will give you step-by-step training on how to deliver a high converting launch event. This program will support you as you implement the launch plan we create for you. This bonus you'll get lifetime access so you can revisit it time and time again.


Value = £797

If even just the thought of launching is overwhelming, you're not sure where to start or you just want someone to do it for you - then we have THE perfect bonus - a bespoke launch plan perfectly planned by our agency team. Your launch plan will be designed around your business and goals with a launch type that is in alignment with you - there's no "cookie cutter" approaches here. It will detail all the steps you need to take in all the 6 stages of your launch - all in an online launch plan platform that you can reuse over and over again.


Value = £1997

and to sweeten the deal even more...

an extra special launch bonus can be yours…

If you’re one of the first 10 to join TME with our link – you’ll get a private consultation with me to get you some quick wins with your membership launch. Whether you want to brainstorm your offer, decide on your launch style or talk through your ascension model for scaling - this is an amazing bonus if you want my launch brain on your business! You can't currently hire me for one-off sessions so this is a special one!

 1:1 Business Consultation

Value = £497

I want you to be our next launch success story...

"I used to hate launches before I met Laura. Not only did we have our best launch ever, not only did we feel so pumped and excited delivering the launch, but we were unbelievably amazed at the results. What Laura did was empower me and my team to do this again and again. I’m here today having had our best launch ever under Laura’s guidance and I can finally say “I love to launch”.

 I cannot believe that Laura took me from a girl who never liked to launch,
 to someone who loves to launch."

"We had our best membership launch ever thanks to Laura."

Jasmine Star – founder of the Social Curator Membership

"This is the first time I've ever launched my program and felt like I was nailing exactly what my audience needed and wanted to hear. I successfully launch a week-long bootcamp that had my ideal customer RAVING for more. We brought in over 9,000 leads into our free bootcamp event and welcomed 67 amazing new members into my program. The best part though is that I doubled my list in one month, grew my authority, and brought in a huge audience of people who know, like and trust me and will likely continue to join my program in future enrollment periods."

"I just had my first multiple 5-figure launch and created raving fans!"



"Before Laura, I'd launched a few times and had abysmal results.I hesitated to sign up for Laura's program because I had already spent tens of thousands of dollars on programs that didn't work for me, even though I implemented them. The moment I found Laura, I knew she was different and had a different approach. I felt certain that her methods would change everything in my business.

Since working with Laura, I went from not being able to make $1,000 from a launch to having a six-figure year because of launches. Because of these results, I've been able to buy my dream home and dedicate my free time to my passion for filmmaking."

"I've replaced my corporate income and created a membership that I  love."

Natasha Minchella – founder of The Orchard legal membership for coaches

"I wasn't exactly new to launches but they took up a LOT of time for not all that worth it results. With my 8 hour weeks (yes 8 hours a week) as a Mum of 2 young ones I didn’t have time to launch but Laura promised I would be able to with that time. I had been burned by online coaches and so I took a leap of faith and I’m so glad I did because I have had now had 3 successful launches – Laura has restored my faith.

Changing my focus when launching to being in service not in how many people are going to buy has helped me show up so much more – its felt easier, lighter and more fun all round.

Laura’s calm sense approach to launching is infectious. And for a recovering stressed-out-throw-everything-at-it launcher, that calming sense of it absolutely is possible is the most impressive transformation I've seen in myself by just being around her!

"My faith in online coaches has been restored."



I started working with Laura and her team to initially relaunch our membership. Laura helped us to create and launch a membership ascension offer, an app and launched out signature program twice. Her wonderful team truly became an extension of mine and as someone who doesn’t really enjoy launches I felt supported at every step of the way. Laura added $813k of revenue to our company, led the marketing team and became a friend that I could rely upon for honesty and strategic advice - if you’re thinking of hiring her and the Love To Launch team I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them! 

"Laura launched our membership and program, generating over $800k along the way"


This year, what has added special magic sauce to my membership sales was Laura and her expertise on launching. Laura has helped me make better launches that get bigger results. Before TME, my business was crawling along dependent on selling one-off courses. I struggled to get results.

Implementing TME and Stu’s teaching boosted my membership to double my business income in the first year after going through the TME course. But, I knew that even with recurring revenue from my membership that growing even further would mean I’d have to have better launches to get more sales. Once you have better sales with more members, your ongoing worry free monthly revenue is even higher.

This year, what has added special magic sauce to my membership sales was Laura and her expertise on launching. Laura has helped me make better launches that get bigger results. I’m ecstatic, Laura really knows just the things your launches need to bring in the sales. I saw instant results by putting in place just a few of her suggestions. I know it’s just going to grow from here.

I can’t emphasize enough what a golden combination of Tribe and Laura Philips is to have a highly successful business.

"Laura + TME is the golden combination to have a highly successful business."

Lisa K. PhD – teacher, author and speaker specializing in intuition.

"I wasn't exactly new to launches but they took up a LOT of time for not all that worth it results. With my 8 hour weeks (yes 8 hours a week) as a Mum of 2 young ones I didn’t have time to launch but Laura promised I would be able to with that time. I had been burned by online coaches and so I took a leap of faith and I’m so glad I did because I have had now had 3 successful launches – Laura has restored my faith.

Changing my focus when launching to being in service not in how many people are going to buy has helped me show up so much more – its felt easier, lighter and more fun all round.

Laura’s calm sense approach to launching is infectious. And for a recovering stressed-out-throw-everything-at-it launcher, that calming sense of it absolutely is possible is the most impressive transformation I've seen in myself by just being around her!

"My faith in online coaches has been restored."



Laura helped bring ease to my business – I still need to pinch myself that within just months I’ve been able to take an idea and turn it into a reality. I’ve taken what was an idea in my mind for over a year to an online membership with 280 members, bringing in over $100k in revenue annually to my business!

Taking the business online in a membership model has given me freedom, I’m now able to stop holding hands on classes, give my members more and feel like I’m impacting more people. At the same time I can spend more quality time with my family and don’t feel exhausted and overwhelmed all the time.

I’ve been given financial stability and my time back. I’m able to make more of an impact on my own community of people.

"Laura helped me take an "idea" and launch a 6-figure membership."

Maggie Dmochowski – Adelaide Bakes

If for some reason you don’t hear from me within 7 days of the program starting (and the email isn’t in your junk folder), it might be that you haven’t been successfully linked to my affiliate deal – in which case contact us and we’ll get that fixed. Sometimes links do break!


How to claim your bonus

I recommend that you clear your cookies before clicking the sales page link below to ensure that you are successfully linked to my affiliate deal. Sometimes affiliate links can suffer from tech gremlins 🙂

Contact us at the bottom of this page if you need help with this – we’re here to help. Our link is:


Do I have to pay for this bonus?

Not a penny! As a proud partner of TME I get a commission for every student I enrol in the program. I decided to share that commission with you, in the form of these bonuses, so you can get even more amazing results from the program. Why? Because after a wildly success first launch you’ll want to continue working with us!

You've got questions, we got the answers

What happens when I sign up?

Once you have purchased the program, I will be notified that you have joined under my bonus. Once cart has closed I will drop you an email to tell you how to access your bonuses and we’ll get to work!

How can you give all this away for free? It is for real?

This was a real question we got on the live chat 😂 Listen lovely, I know we live in a crazy BS-filled world sometimes… but let me tell you why I put this bonus together. We only do this once a year, people get amazing results and then they come back and invest even more back in working with us for a reallllly long time. So do you reckon it’s a great business decision to put our ALL into it? You bet. You win, we win.

Can I spread the cost of the TME program?

Yes there is a payment plan to help you spread the cost of investing in the program.

I’ve already done TME, can I buy your bonus?

Yes I am open to this – please reach out to me here and we can have a chat about whether this is a good fit for you.

Can I bring my business partner into your bonus with me?

Yes if you’re working with someone I actually recommend that you bring them into our bonus experience – having both of you working on your launch together with me will do amazing things for your launch success.

What happens after the 4 months experience?

You’ll have the opportunity to extend the support you get and continue the journey of working together! You can’t join my coaching group unless you’ve bought via this bonus or you’ve invested in one of my launch programs, so this is a sweet little bonus!


"Laura is incredibly inspiring.She drops some of the most epic knowledge bombs about launches."


I get it. Big leaps bring up questions!

Drop me an email - laura@lovetolaunch.com. I'll help you find out if TME + my bonuses are right for you. If it's not, we'll be able to advise you on your next steps from here.

On the fence?