Here are the packs you have to pick from. Have a look through the library below then use the form to select which two you'd like added to your account. Please use the same email you used to join Launch Swipes, and ensure you pick different packs for each drop-down.

Pick Your 2x Bonus Packs!

1. 4x Your Launch Sales

2. Build a strong Waitlist

3. Recover Lost Launch Sales

4. Annual Planning

5. Essential Launch Ads

6. Top 5 Sales Emails

How to run paid and hybrid launches that bring in much warmer leads, resulting in record breaking conversion rates and sales!

How to build a waitlist strategy that allows you to make sales all year round as well as create a queue of excited attendees for your next launch.

Move away from the "go with the flow" approach and learn to not only plan your most successful year in business, but to actually achieve it too.

From warm up, to waitlist, launch event and sales. These are the essential ads you need to keep yourself top of mind for all your attendees. 

These 5 emails will represent the backbone of all your launch email marketing efforts. You must have these for the very best results.

7. Social Engagement

Learn the power of effective engagement across your social platforms and communities to keep people engaged for big conversion boosts.

8. The Perfect Pitch

How to craft and present a killer offer that's so good your launch attendees feel silly saying no. Comes with full presentation guide + templates.

9. High Converting Sales Pages

Learn to build sales pages that educate, excite and overcome objections. Full sales page template downloads for quick implementation.

10. Boosting Email Impact

Don't let your marketing results be ruined by poor open, read and click rates. 10 strategies to get your emails delivered, read and actioned! 

A detailed look on where money is being left on the table to help you fix any "launch leaks" with a  full cart abandon strategy & implementation.

11. Plan like a pro

Learn how to plan your next launch like a pro. Learn which launch type is right for you, the stages of a launch and creative launch strategy.